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Title: Development Of A Dealiasing Method In Ultrasonic Pulsed Doppler Method For Flowrate Measurement
Author: Hideki Murakawa Ei Muramatsu Katsumi Sugimoto Nobuyuki Takenaka
Source: 2015 International Symposium on Fluid Flow Measurement
Year Published: 2015
Abstract: Ultrasonic pulsed Doppler method has been developed mainly in medical field for blood flow measurement. The technique has several desirable characteristics, and it has been utilized for engineering field. Furthermore, the method has been applied for me asuring flowrate. However, the maximum detectable velocity is limited by the Nyquist sampling theorem. The longer measurable distance is, the lower maximum velocity is. Therefore, the pulsed Doppler flowmeter is generally limited for measuring lower flowra te condition comparing to the ultrasonic time - of - flight flowmeter

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