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Title: Differential Testing Of Rotary Meters
Author: R.A. Ron() Walker
Source: 2008 Appalachian Gas Measurement Short Course
Year Published: 2008
Abstract: Over a hundred years ago, the Brothers Root were searching for an innovative way to convert water into power. Their search led to two fi gure eight shaped lobes. Legend has it that the lobes did not pass water effi ciently, but when the contraption blew one of the brothers hats into the air they knew they had an industrial strength blower. Nearly eighty years ago, the Roots Brothers Blower Company decided that their basic design, when a counter replaced the blower motor, could be used as a gas measurement device. The era of rotary gas measurement was born. Early on the rotary meter was used in applications similar to those where the blowers were used, i.e. large volumes at low pressure. Today, rotary meters can be used to measure fl ows from 3 or 4 cubic feet per hour through to 102,000 cubic feet per hour. This range of applications stretches from large residential, through commercial to small and large industrial gas users. Pressure ratings available range from 15 pound per square inch up to 1480 psi.

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