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Title: Domestic Meter Shop Practice
Author: C. F. Pee
Source: 1944 Southwestern Gas Measurement Short Course (Now called ISHM)
Year Published: 1944
Abstract: Fellow Students of the Southwestern Gas Measurement Short Course, we are assembled here today to discuss and exchange ideas concerning the repair practices of domestic gas meters. The role that meters play in our Great Industry, has, is, and always will be a very important one. The meter is the silent contact between the company and our customers. It is our cash register, upon the accuracy of which, depends to a great extent, the successful operation of Our Business. The gas meter is perhaps one of the most remarkable instruments of measurement in use today whan its ability to measure correctly the relatively large and minute quantities of gas over a period of 5 to 10 years, is considered with little or no attention during such periods, and often subjected to rather rough usage occasioned by the foreign matter carried by the gas, In order to enable the meters to serve most efficiently, there are certain fundamentals connected with meters which must be closely observed.

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