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Title: Developing A Proficiency Testing Plan For Your Laboratory
Author: Jeff C. Gust
Source: 2004 Measurement Science Conference
Year Published: 2004
Abstract: Whether responding to new requirements from accreditation bodies, or ensuring that your laboratory quality system meets the requirements of ISO 17025, developing a documented plan for Proficiency Testing benefits the laboratory. Formal development of a Proficiency Testing Plan provides a long term roadmap for laboratories to ensure validation of all calibration services that they provide, and conveniently summarizes corrective and preventive actions that result from participation in proficiency testing. When developing a Proficiency Test Plan, it is important to optimize the costs to the laboratory by ensuring that the minimum requirements are met and the entire technical scope of the laboratory is covered in the required timeframe. This presentation will discuss the proficiency testing requirements from the International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation, through the regional accreditation organizations, to the accreditation bodies, and the laboratory itself. Information will be shared on the development of the NIST Weights and Measures Division Proficiency Test Policy and Plan that was jointly developed by NIST and Quametec Proficiency Testing Services. Examples of Proficiency Testing Plans for laboratories will be provided.

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