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Title: Frcm Pen Tip To Volume Statement
Author: John D. Howard
Source: 1985 Gulf Coast Measurement Short Course (Now called ASGMT)
Year Published: 1985
Abstract: As gas measurement the fruit of our L and the seed is pL consider the on the volume s PLANTING THE PEN TIP As we set the pen begin the process c be used in the calqulat passing through a specific time. John D. Howard Howard Measurement Co P.O. Box 220134 Dallas, Texas 75266 Inc. people we must realize that bor is the volume statement ted by the pen tip, we will problebs encountered and the effect tat nent. ips down on the chart we f recording information to ion of the volume of gas particular point during a As any good gardner lot of preparation Lets assume the fojllow: properly: .

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