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Title: The Measurement Op High Pressure Natural Gas Plows Using The Pourpath Ultrasonic Flowmeter Developed By British Gas
Author: M.E. Nolan, J.G. Ohair, R. Teyssandier
Source: 1986 International Symposium on Fluid Flow Measurement
Year Published: 1986
Abstract: This paper summarises the development of a multi-path ultrasonic flowmeter. It describes the reasons for developing the meter and the principles on which it works. A detailed theory of the techniques is presented for the case with transducers set back from the flow and there is a simple analysis of the effect of swirl in meters with criss-cross chords. Test results obtained using prototype meters of 150 and 600 mm diameter are presented and confirm the accuracy of the technique in developed and disturbed flows. The experience of using a total of 6 different meters ranging in size from 100 to 1050 mm on operational sites, is described and shows that the meters are very reliable.

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