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Title: Underground Storage Of Natural Gas In Salt Caverns
Author: Kermit Allen
Source: American Gas Association 1972
Year Published: 1972
Abstract: The concept of storing natural gas in underground caverns created by solution mining in salt deposits to supply peak consumer demands is still considered new but is no tonger unproved. A record of experience is now available on the three such major facilities. Two of these facilities are in the United States, while the third is in Canada, These storage caverns are operated brine free, that is. natural gas is injected into the caverns under pressure. This pressure then causes the gas to flow from the caverns as needed. This differs from the operation of liquid hydrocarbon storage caverns where the product is driven from the cavern by injected brine. Experience now indicates no major problems in these brine-free natural gas storage caverns. Their operation has been so successful that all such facilities have been expanded or expansion is being considered.

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