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Title: Liquid Meter Proving Techniques
Author: C. Dan Tarpley
Source: 1998 International School of Hydrocarbon Measurement
Year Published: 1998
Abstract: To fully appreciate the importance of proper meter proving techniques, you must understand the impact that proving has on the bottom line of your company. Metering systems are the Cash Registers of your operation. Inaccuracies introduced through incorrect meter proving factors can cost you short term, by giving a customer credit for pumping volumes not actually received into your system. Or long term, by not giving the customer credit for all the volumes received into your system and thus losing that customer. At the end of each accounting period it is preferable to conclude with a ZERO balance on the products measured into and out of your system. If not zero, then you must fall between an acceptable range of parameters to ensure fairness to the customer and contmued profitability for yourselves.

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