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Title: Gas Conditioning Necessary For Gas Transmission Systems
Author: W. F. Barker
Source: American Gas Association 1977
Year Published: 1977
Abstract: Natural gas is a commodity found in underground reservoirs which is purchased, transported and sold by those in the gas transmission business. The principal use for natural gas is heating, and transmission companies are required to supply a product of sufficient heating value to meet the defined quality contract specifications. Raw natural gas as produced from the reservoirs may be composed of nearly pure methane gas or a conglomeration of constitulents of infinite combinations. Some of these constitulents reduce the heating value and some are detrimental to efficient gas transmission operations. Gas conditioning is necessary in order to transport a product that conforms to pipeline quality specifications. Gas conditioning is an all inclusive definition. It is a term applied to numerous mechanical, chemical and/or combination of operational processes each of which a lengthy paper could be written.

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