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Title: Cmm Calibration And Standards
Author: Mark Twaalfhoven, Jim Henry, Steven Phillips
Source: 1992 Measurement Science Conference
Year Published: 1992
Abstract: This paper is a condensed version of the paper titled The 1990 NET Scales of Thermal Radiometry 5. The NET calibration services in thermal radiometry are based on measurement scales derived from blackbody physics. A blackbody radiator at the temperature of the freezing point of gold and Plancks radiation law are used to establish the NIST Radiance Temperature Scale by calibrating a variable-temperature blackbody against the gold-point blackbody at 654.6 nm and performing subsequent measurements of spectral-radiance ratios to extrapolate this calibration to extended temperature and spectral ranges. From 1968 until June 30, 1990, the temperature of the primary blackbody standard used in these scale realizations was that assigned to the freezing point of gold in the International Practical Temperature Scale of 1968 (IPTS-68 l I),

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