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Title: Conservation Of Vehicle Fuels
Author: Richard C. Rose
Source: American Gas Association 1974
Year Published: 1974
Abstract: There are various items-hardware and otherwise-which claim to be the answer to vehicular fuel conservation. Some of these items may be helpful: others may simply be not harmful: but theyre all intriguing. I will discuss three or four of these iiems. I dont endorse them or even particularly recommend them, but I do think they point up thai theres any number of gadgets on the market to save gasoline-and you will no doubt have the opportunity in the near future to hear a salesperson extol their virtues, if you havent already. The first item is The Pill . . . not the pill youre probably thinking of, although this one too, lets you go farther than ever All thats necessary with the pill is to drop two into your gas tank every 50,000 miles and-bingo-better mileage, to say nothing of increased power.

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