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Title: Anti-Lock And You-Anti-Skid Devices, Air Brakes
Author: Henry Schneider
Source: American Gas Association 1974
Year Published: 1974
Abstract: Anti-lock systems for the control of vehicle air brakes have become a topic of burning interesi in the motor transportation industry. There is no doubt the initial impetus has been supplied by the federal government. Its generally agreed that only anti-lock systems can provide a practical solution to some of the new air brake performance standards which become effective in 1974. The industry grew and prospered for years without ever having heard of anti-lock. If we never had it before, why do we need it now? The answer is simple. The problems of braking that create a need for anti-lock have always been with us. There have been plenty of previous attempts to solve them (load modulation devices, load transfer valves, fast valve kits, etc.) but the solutions all fell far short of the goal because they never accomplished more than a small part of the job.

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