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Title: A Coriolis Master Meter Based System - A Technical First For Brunei And Malaysia
Author: Jim Marshall
Source: 2005 South East Asia Flow Measurement Conference
Year Published: 2005
Abstract: Coriolis meters for liquid measurement have been utilised more and more within our industry, especially in locations where real estate is at a premium. The minimal requirement for straight lengths and lack of traditional moving parts are significant factors in any meter selection criteria. It is only in the most recent of years that the Coriolis meter has seen active service for Fiscal and Custody Transfer applications, as this has in the past been the domain of the turbine or PD meters with a prover loop. This paper is an overview of the experience gained and the challenges met in the introduction, design, commissioning and operation of the first Custody Transfer metering skid, comprising of Coriolis meters in a Master Meter configuration for Brunei and Malaysia.

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