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Title: Operating Experiences With Running Film And Steam-Type Vaporizers
Author: Thomas J. Hanna, Jr.
Source: American Gas Association 1976
Year Published: 1976
Abstract: The Philadelphia Gas Works is a municipal gas utility wholly owned by the City of Philadelphia and operated by the Philadelphia Facilities Management Corporation. The Company supplies pipeline natural gas supplemented with peakshaving gases from two plants, one situated on the Delaware River and one on the Schuylkill River. The gas distributed consists of a mixture of manufactured, natural and liquefied petroleum gases. Prior to the advent of natural gas availability, the gas manufacturing facilities provided year-round supply. Today, however, they are only required during cold weather when sendout requirements exceed the contracted (now curtailed) natural gas volumes. The natural gas is delivered through two metering and regulating stations owned and operated by Texas Eastern Transmission Corporation and five stations owned and operated by Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Corporation. Gas is distributed first through approximately 287 miles of high pressure mains, then through some 197 district regulator stations into a 2,675 mile system of low and intermediate pressure mams to serve approximately 600,000 individual customers.

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