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Author: Bruce Wallace
Source: 2018 International School of Hydrocarbon Measurement
Year Published: 2018
Abstract: Natural gas was discovered as seeps, in what is now known as Iran, between 6000 and 2000 bce. When ignited, these seeps produced eternal flames having religious importance. The first known natural gas well was drilled in China in 211 bce. It was drilled using bamboo poles and primitive percussion bits to a depth of 500 feet, and having the purpose of producing brine and natural gas trapped in limestone formations. By 1900 these wells numbered in the thousands, with depths greater than one-half mile. Produced brine and gas were transported via bamboo tubes to a processing site where the brine was emptied into cast iron evaporation pans. The gas was delivered to underground wooden facilities where it was mixed with air for use as fuel to evaporate the brine and produce salt. Natural gas was unknown in Europe until its 1659 discovery in England and was not used in North America until 1821.

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