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Title: Automatic Meter Reading
Author: A. B. Coyle
Source: American Gas Association 1970
Year Published: 1970
Abstract: McGraw-Edison Power Systems Division has been working on automatic meter reading systems for a number of years. Our first exposure was back in 1962 when we were approached by a small engineering development firm telling us of an automatic meter reading system it had developed. Since this company had neither manufacturing facilities nor sales personnel, it was interested in an association with an organization that would provide the lacking capabilities. This company had a small field trial in operation where it was reading electric watt-hour meters over telephone lines. A number of our people visited this fieldtrial installation and were quite impressed with what they saw. The operating principles were extremely simple. The hundreds dial of an electric watt-hour meter was fitted with a potentiometer. Telephone lines were used as a reading circuit. When a meter was to be read, the proper phone line was selected and its impedance measured. A signal was then sent over the telephone line causing a relay to close, which inserted the potentiometer into the circuit.

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