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Title: Electrical Safety Testing In Calibration Laboratories
Author: Peter Jager
Source: 2008 Measurement Science Conference
Year Published: 2008
Abstract: Wherever electric or electronic devices of any kind are in use, there is a calculable chance for electric shocks or accidents. Electrical shock can be caused by a variety of reasons: defective powercords, dirt obstructed / logged fan grids, replaced fuses with incorrect ratings, defective components e.g. . For that reason, in Germany any equipment located in all public accessible places - like in stores, malls and of course in working areas too, must be checked and tested for electrical safety. Devices, that usually stay in place like lamps or coffeemakers for instance, are tested in long intervals - devices that easily wear out, like transportable instruments, extension cords or similar devices need to be checked more often. What is necessary in public places is much more important for calibration laboratories: The technician usually doesnt know anything about the customers use of the equipment turned in for calibration - so a first test must be made to protect him. When his calibration job is finished, he has to ensure that the instrument meets the manufacturers specifications before it is given back to the owner - not only on calibration concerns but for customers safety too. This presentation will give an overview of the mandatory testing regulations and will point out in detail the necessary 3 steps to check and measure electrical safety. It will show and explain a diagram of basic testing and might be a base to set up a procedure for calibration laboratories.

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