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Title: Gas Transmission Measurement In The United Kingdom
Author: R. S. Davidson
Source: American Gas Association 1991
Year Published: 1991
Abstract: British Gas currently purchases natural gas to the value of u3 billion each year and delivers it to more than 17 million industrial, commercial and domestic customers throughout the mainland of Great Britain. A National Gas Transmission System (NTS) receives the gas from the North Sea and the Irish Sea through five shore terminals and delivera it to the twelve local Regions of British Gas and to seven major industrial customers. Most of the gas is purchased from the oil majors who bring it ashore and process it to meet contract conditions before delivering it to British Gas through Custody Transfer and Fiscal meters. These are currently orifice based and are designed and installed to a very high specification based on the latest international standards. After entering the NTS the gas is delivered to the local Regions, to major industrial users and to onshore and offshore storage facilities.The associated metering systems are also designed to a high standard and are mainly orifice based except for the smaller loads where turbines are used. In addition the metering stations for gas deliveries to the Regions and major industrial Users incorporate pressure reduction to meet the requirements of the local Grid or the Customers plant.

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