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Title: Basic Applications Of Telemetering Systems
Author: Tommy Mitchell
Source: 2008 International School of Hydrocarbon Measurement
Year Published: 2008
Abstract: In a fast changing natural gas industry today it is important for companies to utilize all available technologies in order to safely operate and maintain a competitive edge in todays market place. One of many available technologies is telemetering. To understand telemetering let us first give a good definition of telemetering and how it applies to todays natural gas industry. Telemetering is defined as: The science of sensing and measuring information at a remote location and transmitting that data to a convenient location to be read and recorded. From this definition we can see that telemetering, as it applies to the natural gas industry, is simply a way to gather, read and record data remotely so it can be utilized. Some of the most common reasons companies install a basic telemetering system today are safety, increase production, improve operations efficiency, and monitor pipelines. However with todays advanced Flow Computers and RTU designs the reasons listed above can be easily achieved in most cases by installing one unit per location. It is the intent of this paper to cover basic telemetering principles as they apply to areas of the Oil and Gas Industry.

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