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Title: Mechanics Of Lng-Water Interaction
Author: Thorlief Enger, David E. Hartman
Source: American Gas Association 1972
Year Published: 1972
Abstract: Research has been in progress since October 1970 at the Shell Pipe Line Laboratory concerning the rapid phase transformation which can occur when liquefied gas is spilled on water. Three unexplained explosions were observed at the Bureau of Mines, U.S. Department of the Interior, in 1969, during LNG spillage tests being carried out to determine spreading and vaporization rates of LNG on water. No fire or ignition of the vapor was observed, just the mechanical release of energy in the form of pressure waves. Since the U.S. Coast Guard was concerned with the possibility of large-scale explosions occurring with LNG spills from tankers. Shell initiated the research program to determine the mechanism of the observed explosions.

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