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Title: Determination Of Water Vapor In Natuarl Gas
Author: Neal C. Gardner
Source: 1955 Southwestern Gas Measurement Short Course (Now called ISHM)
Year Published: 1955
Abstract: One of the problems confronting the natural gas industry in its endeavor to transmit gas from the source of gathering to the ultimate consuming market is the possibility of stoppage of gas flow due to hydrate freezing in the pipeline and pressure regulators. Gas hydrate as it is usually obtained from pipelines looks much like packed snow. A mass of hydrate is very porous and light in weight. When freshly obtained, relatively large volumes of gas evolve from it at atmospheric pressure. When ignited at atmospheric conditions, gas hydrate burns quietly and completely, leaving only a small amount of water which is not necessarily a true indication of the relative amount of liquid water in proportion to the volume of hydrate. Undoubtedly some of the water evaporates from the decomposition of the hydrate during the burning.

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