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Title: Laboratory Versus In Situ Proving Of Liqu Id Ultrasonic Meters
Author: Terry Cousins
Source: 2015 International School of Hydrocarbon Measurement
Year Published: 2015
Abstract: The first issue to consider is w hat features do USMs claim that make such the concept of non -in situ proiving possible? A turbine meter for example should never be conside red for use as an unproved system for good uncertainty measurement. This is because a turbine meter is so subject to installation effects, that t he chance of the calibration at a laboratory transferring to the operational installation with any degree of confid ence is low. Multi -path ultrasonic meters, however, it is claimed can transfer their calibration with more confidence, th erefore removing the need for in situ proving. In fact at t he introduction of U SMs for custody transfer there was a concerted campaign to use them without provers, lar gely because they were so difficult to prove on sit e. This issue will be discussed in more detail in a later s ection on installation uncertainty

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