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Title: Employee Productivity - Another View
Author: James m. Mcclymond
Source: American Gas Association 1978
Year Published: 1978
Abstract: I have been asked to address this august group as a representative of the Personnel Committee of the American Gas Association. This is a distinct pleasure for me because the Personnel Committee is very active, and has become a positive force for our industry in recent years. Personnel, unlike the record-keeping and recruiting function of the past, has become a major member of the management team by becoming involved in helping line management to more effectively manage the organization. Such issues as productivity, manpower planning, and dealing with social change through management styles, have become routine matters at Personnel Committee meetings. We have learned a great deal from each other and are carrying new methods and techniques back into our companies. My task today is to articulate a few ideas, within our limited time together demonstrating what we have been doing and why.

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