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Title: The Determination Of Hydrogen Sulfide And Total Sulfur By Titration Methods
Author: Robert R. Austin
Source: 1964 Southwestern Gas Measurement Short Course (Now called ISHM)
Year Published: 1964
Abstract: Sulfur measurement in natural gas has long been important because of the odorous and corrosive nature of some naturally occurring sulfur compounds. The procedures used in the determination of hydrogen sulfide and mercaptan concentration in manufactured gas and in petroleum products were carried over into the natural gas industry and provided a useable means of determining sulfur concentration where sulfur concentration was not lower than one or two grains per 100 cu. ft. Sulfur concentration measurement in the range of one tenth grain per 1OO cu.ft. was not important during the days of old cast iron systems for distribution of manufactured gas. With the advent of high pressure lines for interstate distribution of natural gas it became necessary to control sulfur more effectively and to maintain low hydrogen sulfide and mercaptan concentration both for protection of costly transmission and distribution lines and for stabilization of odor level. New and more sensitive analytical procedures have been developed to meet the need for reliable analytical data.

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