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Title: Witnessing Orifice Meter VERIFICATION/CALIBRATION
Author: Jack W. Chisum
Source: 2012 International School of Hydrocarbon Measurement
Year Published: 2012
Abstract: The business of witnessing, verification and calibration of orifice measurement of natural gas is a business that is of significant monetary value to your company. The witnessing of the natural gas being purchased from your company is the most valuable job you can pursue on the companys behalf. Your protection of their assets allows you to make a living from the monies they gain from your actions. A good start, when assigned the task of witnessing, is to find the contact name of the person responsible for the maintenance of the site to be tested. That initial communication is beneficial in insuring everyone is on the same page and there are no misunderstandings as to a time suitable for all parties involved. You may be sent a test schedule that has already been arranged for the site however, verification of the time and place is good business practice. This allows everyone involved to know they are to meet at a prearranged time and place. Summarily most technicians that you work with will be open to adjustments if his schedule allows. Once a time is setup it is your responsibility to be sure you either attend at the designated time and place or give ample notice you cant be present. This will keep from wasting the time of the technician and your companys money

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