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Title: Gas Oil Piston Prover, Primary Reference Values For High(- Pressure) Gas-Volume, Results
Author: M.P. Van Der Beek R. Van Den Brink
Source: Flomeko 2013
Year Published: 2013
Abstract: The paper describes the design, measurement results and uncertainty analyses of the hydraulic driven piston-prover system which is in operation at VSL since 2008. The 12 meter long, 0.6m bore piston-prover is used for the realization of Reference Values for Gas-Volume at pressures between 1 and 65 bar(a) and any type of Gas. The principle is based on the displacement of a piston acting as a Gas-Oil separator. The standard has a flow-rate range from 5 to 230 m3/h. The system is designed to calibrate reference meters. The Calibration and Measurement Capability (CMC) of the system is proven smaller than 0.1% (k2). The paper also explains the coherence between the Gas-Oil Piston-Prover and other traceability generators and flow rate bootstrapper systems

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