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Title: Canamax Energy Finds Substantial Cost Savings And Increased Operations Understanding With Schematic Usage
Author(s): [Not Available]
Source: 2019 Grande Prairie - Canadian School of Hydrocarbon Measurement
Year Published: 2019
Abstract: Canamax Energy(Canamax)is the poster child for lean and mean operations. As a junior, Calgary based production and exploration company their main focus is remaining cost-efficient and positioning themselves for success in a challenging environment.As a small organization,each individual wears many hats,a large reporting initiative such as EPAP often requiresan extra set of hands. A common problem in the oil and gas industry is an informational disconnect between field operations and head office. Canamax was no exception, they were spending large amounts of time trying to answer questions and solve simple problems. It often took three or four exchanges between those out in the field and the head office to arrive at the final answer.

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