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Title: Utility Vehicle Disposal Practices
Author: Donald R. Ashton
Source: American Gas Association 1988
Year Published: 1988
Abstract: In January 1988, questionnaires were sent to 120 A.G.A. Automotive Mobile Equipment Committee and EEI Transportation Committee member companies. Responses were received from the 75 companies identified in Figure 1. The responses do not suggest any major changes since our last review in 1980, but they do indicate the general trends we should be aware of. The answers show that most companies continue to use either auctions or sealed bidding to sell their used equipment most still do not recondition prior to sale. The disposal function generally is performed by the transportation and/or purchasing departments, and replacement decisions are heavily influenced by a combination of condition, age, and mileage. After the 1973 oil embargo and attendant economic problems, we saw a significant increase in the mileage and age figures that were being used as replacement guides. Although this trend has now stabilized, there has not been any appreciable drift back toward the lower figures of the sixties and early seventies.

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