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Title: Alternate Fuels: Coal Dust Or Oil Engines In The Gas Utility Fleet
Author: Henry J. Desrosiers
Source: American Gas Association 1981
Year Published: 1981
Abstract: Great progress has been made in the internal combustion oil engine since Dr. Rudolph Diesel, a German engineer, devised a method in 1892 of using high compression air to ignite fuels in engines. His experiments began by using coal dust as a fuel but were soon dropped in favor of Hght oil. In 1897 a successful compression ignition engine was built by a Dr. Lauster in conjunction with Dr. Diesel and the M.A.N. Company of Germany. Strangely enough, this engine and its principles got off to a very shaky start. In 1898 the worlds first commercial diesel was manufactured in the United States by Adolph Busch to be used in his brewery.

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