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Author: Jim Griffeth
Source: 2017 American School of Gas Measurement Technology
Year Published: 2017
Abstract: Electronic flow measurement as applied to the natural gas industry has advanced considerably over the last 30 years. Applications to address Upstream, Midstream and Downstream gas measurement technologies have become more complex. Over time it has become necessary to understand the fundaments that make up this ever changing environment. This paper will discuss the important fundamental parameters to consider when designing an Electronic Flow Measurement (EFM) system. Please be aware of the many variances to each specific design and understand this is only a fundamental paper to give new gas industry members a first look at the technologies that are required when considering an EFM design. Custody Transfer Custody transfer gas measurement implies that a buying or selling transaction is taking place based on the flow computer calculated volumes. This normally requires high accuracy digital resolution and speed, but often custody transfer requires that the flow computer meet American Gas Association (AGA) and the American Petroleum Institute (API) standards. Since this paper is geared to the US market AGA 3, 7, 8, 10 and API 21.1 offer recommendations and or standards in assisting in the design.

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