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Title: Targeted Selection
Author: Timothy P. Mooney
Source: American Gas Association 1988
Year Published: 1988
Abstract: The Project Managers fundamental responsibility Is to develop sound project plans, on which project success depends. To accomplish this. Project Managers manage the translation of project objectives into tasks. They Identify staffing reouirements and conceptualize the division of responsibilities. They coordinate the team members formulations of individual plans, and oversee the integration of these plans into a project plan. Including budget preparation and scheduling of resources and tasks through the project life cycle. Project Managers coordinate these activities with other managers and other departments. Throughout this entire process it is Important that Project Managers continue to see the big picture and maintain a clear focus on budget and schedule commitments. Because Project Managers and team members serve on multiple projects, it is particularly Important that Project Managers ensure that their time, and the time of team members, is scheduled efficiently.

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