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Title: Conservation Of Gas During Scheduled Shutdowns
Author: Conrad D. Lawson, Tom D. Parker
Source: American Gas Association 1979
Year Published: 1979
Abstract: Natural gas historically has been priced artificially below the level of competing fuels. Consequently, the gas industry has enjoyed ever-increasing demand tor its product. In the days when supply was abundant, most companies were attaching new gas sources to serve steadily growing markets. Pipeline companies were operating their facilities at maximum capacity and adding loop lines and new facilities to increase capacity practically every year. There was no financial incentive to conserve gas. because it was lowpriced in relation to labor costs associated with conservation efforts and, besides, nobody wanted facilities out of service any longer than was absolutely necessary. But the regulatory pressure to hold prices down eventually resulted in the markets growing faster than new supply could be attached. As production from older sources began to decrease, new sources simply couldnt be located and produced at allowable prices fast enough to keep pace with demand. This is a familiar story that has been told many times, but consider the impact it had on gas industry operations.

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