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Title: The Influence Of Outdoor Weathering On The Performance Of Plastic Pipe
Author: Michael m. Epstein
Source: American Gas Association 1977
Year Published: 1977
Abstract: Most, if not all, gas distribution companies, store plastic pipe inventory out of doors. Depending upon the protection provided, the geographic location, etc, these materials will be subjected to a wide variety of environmental stress factors, including heat, extreme cold, ultraviolet light, moisture in its varied forms, and airborne pollutants. Periods of exposure probably vary from company to company, depending upon inventory and purchasing practices, but for many companies, the period of storage has probably increased in the last few years due to the slowdown in the rate of new service installations. In addition to this period of exposure, the pipe has probably also experienced a prior period of outdoor exposure in the storage yard of the vendor. The length of this early exposure period is usually unknown, but users frequently assume that outdoor exposure was initiated on the date of manufacture.

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