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Title: Measurement Of Released Contaminants Levels During Home Cooking
Author: Tang-Jen Liu, Yu-Pei Huang, Ming-Shing Young
Source: 2001 Measurement Science Conference
Year Published: 2001
Abstract: An advanced piezoelectric ceramic transducer exhibiting a conspicuous piezoelectric effect is an available sensing material for converting the small impact at the bottom of the kitchen range hood produced by the rising cooking thermal plumes to electrical energy. Home cooking produces numerous contaminants including liquid and solid particles, odors, airborne moisture, and heat. The heat from the cooking surface generates thermal plumes that bring contaminants upwards to the kitchen range hood by the buoyancy-capture principle. The rising thermal plumes with the contaminants will produce various collision forces on the surface of the piezoelectric ceramic transducer attached to the bottom of the range hood.

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