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Title: Field Testing With A Transfer Prover
Author: Josepli G. Fabrizi
Source: 1984 Appalachian Gas Measurement Short Course
Year Published: 1984
Abstract: The need for an accurate, reliable, and portable field transfer testing system has resulted from the growth of the gas industry. The growth has brought about the desire for better methods of field testing meters. There are presently available three methods for field testing meters: 1. Low-pressure Flow Prover 2. Critical Flow Prover 3. Transfer Power The low-pressure flow prover and the critical flow prover involve the measurement of several variables which in turn may cause the compounding of errors before the final accuracy can be calculated. The transfer prover requires only the sensing of temperature and pressure differences between the prover and the meter under test. Results obtained from a transfer prover should be more accurate and repeatable and compare more favorably to the accepted standards of the bell and piston provers.

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