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Title: Electronic Volume Correction
Author: Ron Hairston
Source: 1984 Appalachian Gas Measurement Short Course
Year Published: 1984
Abstract: A question often asked in the gas measurement industry is In this age of inexpensive calculators, personal computers, and space-age technology, why is it that we see so many mechanical volume correctors and mechanical chart recorders still being utilized?. The most important reasons are cost and lack of a cost effective power source. It is certainly true that we have had the technology to produce accurate and reliable electronic volume correctors since the mid-1970s. But the problem has been getting performance at a reasonable price. Electronic volume correctors are subjected to severe environmental conditions that cheap consumer electronics cannot survive. You wouldnt dream of trying to operate your personal computer outdoors in the direct summer sun in Phoenix, Arizona, nor would you expect your LCD liquid crystal display) calculator to operate after spending a winter night outdoors in northern Minnesota. For electronic volume correctors to be accepted, they must not only be able to withstand all the outdoor elements, they must also maintain accuracy under all conditions of outdoor exposure.

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