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Title: Criteria For Optimum Equipment Replacement Schedules
Author: Paul W. Roof
Source: American Gas Association 1970
Year Published: 1970
Abstract: We have an established policy for replacements and additions to the automotive fleet the same as other utilities. We often say 3 years or 50,000 miles is a good guideline. Fleets often run the passenger cars x number of years or x miles. However, the discussion of large and mechanized trucks rarely ends with a satisfactory answer as to the exact method a utility fleet has, or should use, for vehicle and equipment replacement. The feeling of security was somewhat shaken after a prolonged study establishing a method to determine the right time to replace utility fleet equipment. The many types of vehicles and equipment required for the average utility fleet would surprise the average fleet operator. The utility fleet has changed in the sixties. The responsibility of the utility fleet manager has been to furnish an efficient, safe, reasonably comfortable and economical vehicle capable of transporting personnel, tools, and materials to and from the job site. Mechanization of trucks was in its infancy. The rotating derrick was not fully accepted because of the constant maintenance problems. Articulating elbows, truck-mounted, were relatively new and often believed too expensive to purchase only for carrying personnel aloft.

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