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Title: Synthetic Diaphragms
Author: E. C, Hemes
Source: 1950 Southwestern Gas Measurement Short Course (Now called ISHM)
Year Published: 1950
Abstract: r a better diaphragm material probably :usly with the invention of the dry gas pressure regulator-prior to 1850. History :T8 a Boston gas engineer, named Alexan- : acquainted with the detrimental effect neepskin, recommended the use of beil - preference to the diaphragm units then t century later, J. J. Morgan notes similar r.i observes that no one dressing for sheep- n d to be satisfactory in all gases. By 1930, -g with the repair of positive displacement -: it has been impossible to predict the iijphragms but gives the average as under ?--.zr. Office files bear mute evidence of the .v. existing materials and reflect the ac- - :he search for improvement

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