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Title: Washington Outlook-1986
Author: George H. Lawrence
Source: American Gas Association 1986
Year Published: 1986
Abstract: There has been a dramatic change in our industry since I addressed your conference two years ago in San Francisco. The names and shapes of many of our member companies have changed or are changing. The marketplace has changed, and the clamor grows louder all the time. The competitive pace of the gas business is changing into a higher gear. But, as the saying goes, the more things change, the more they stay the same. There are fundamental bedrocks of our business. Heading that list is the quality of our product and the quality of our people. In particular, the men and women of the operating section who built and who maintain our incomparable millionmile pipeline system. It remains the envy of the world. Such efforts ensure that the customer receives efficient, reliable gas service.

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