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Title: H2S In Hydrocarbon Streams
Author: Sammy Russo
Source: 1981 Appalachian Gas Measurement Short Course
Year Published: 1981
Abstract: The analysis of sulfur compounds in gases presents the analytical chemist with perhaps one of the most challenging tasks in chemistry today. Elemental sulfur Is quite reactive, often acting as an oxidizing agent as with hydrogen forming hydrogen sulfide and as a reducing agent forming sulfur dioxide with oxygen. It can exist in its vapor state as S2, Se and Se molecules and Its compounds often exist In dynamic equilibriums. Although there are a large number of volatile sulfur compounds of interest, I will limit my discussion to hydrogen sulfide, carbonyl sulfide, and the mercaptans. I should point out, that as sour gas production increases the importance of the other sulfur compounds such as disulfides, polysulfides and thiophenes will increase.

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