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Title: Orifice Fittings And Meter Tubes
Author: W. R. Henry
Source: 1967 Southwestern Gas Measurement Short Course (Now called ISHM)
Year Published: 1967
Abstract: The American Gas Association Gas Measurement Committee Report No. 3 on the Orifice Metering of Natural Gas, states that orifice fittings and meter tubes make up two parts of what is termed the primary element. The third part, of course, is the orifice plate. These three items are each important to measurement, and have specifications that they must be made in conformance with in order to achieve accurate and repeatable measurement. The tolerances and specifications outlined in Report No. 3, and in other handbooks, are there so that the published data may be used for measurement. If the meter tubes do not conform to them, then each primary element would have to have a specific coefficient calculated for it.

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