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Title: Range Of Application Of Large Positive And Orifice Meters
Author: W. F. Owens
Source: 1926 Southwestern Gas Measurement Short Course (Now called ISHM)
Year Published: 1926
Abstract: There has been much discussion regarding the type of meter to use on each class of service. In order to arrive at any definite conclusion, a thorough study of the load conditions must first be made. If the meter is located in a place not easily accessible for constant attention and the load is fairly constant, either an orifice or a positive meter may be used with a weekly chart, or with a recording gauge which drives from the index of the meter. For industrial loads up to 400 H.P. a large capacity positive meter, or meters set in manifold, operate very satisfactorily. This gives a small industrial plant a method of checking their gas by daily meter readings.

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