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Title: Combined Result And Uncertainty From Interlaboratory Evaluations Based On The ISO Guide
Author: Raghu Kacker, Raju Datla, Albert Parr
Source: 2002 Measurement Science Conference
Year Published: 2002
Abstract: We address the problem of determining the combined result and the associated uncertainty in measurement of a common measurand by a set of competent laboratories. The issues include the following. What is the combined result and what uncertainty is associated with it? What to do when the expanded uncertainty interval associated with the combined result excludes a non-negligible fraction of the individual laboratory results that are believed to be plausible values of the measurand. We discuss these issues and propose a three-step approach based on the ISO Guide to determine the combined result and the associated standard uncertainty so no result believed, based on scientific judgment, to be plausible is put outside the expanded uncertainty interval. We will illustrate the proposed approach through an application to the recent results of the international comparison of cryogenic radiometers organized by the Consultative Committee for Photometry and Radiometry (CCPR).

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