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Title: Techniques Of Gas Spot Sampling
Author: Jane Williams
Source: 2015 International School of Hydrocarbon Measurement
Year Published: 2015
Abstract: This paper discuss es the various approved methods used for spot sampling in the natural gas industry. Proper sampling technique is extremely important because i t impacts both the quantity and quality of the gas being measured. Up until 1978 when congress passed the N atural Gas Policy Act, natural gas was sold based o n volume. The Natural Gas Policy Act implemented sel ling of natural gas based on the energy available i n the gas being sold. Consequently, the importance of sampli ng to determine the BTU content of the natural gas sold became much more important. The energy available i n a gas stream is the product of the volume and the BTU content of the gas sold. In order to determine the BTU content of the gas, a representative sample must be captured and analyzed by a gas chromatograph or cal orimeter. Typically, the industry utilizes gas chromatographs to make this determination.

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