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Title: Ultrasonic Amplitude And Time Measurements In Gas Identification
Author: W. Rawes, m. L. Sanderson
Source: Flomeko 2000
Year Published: 2000
Abstract: This paper describes work which has been undertaken to identify individual gases and gas mixtures employing techniques which are based solely on ultrasonic means. The method employs broad-band capacitive ultrasonic transducers to measure the transmission of ultrasound over a wide range of frequencies across the gas or gas mixture under investigation. The results can be used to infer the composition of the gas and thus estimate such properties such as the density or calorific value of the gas or gas mixtures. The relevance of this work is mainly in its use in the gas distribution and transmission system where increasingly ultrasonic flow measurements are being employed and where an additional ultrasonic measurement would convert the volumetric flowmeter into an energy meter

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