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Title: Some Aspects Of Long And Short Range Temperature Forecasting
Author: Peter R. Leavitt
Source: American Gas Association 1973
Year Published: 1973
Abstract: Temperatures are universally recognized as the principle external variable in the forecasting of gas send-out. Other meteorological parameters such as wind velocity, humidity, cloud cover, and precipitation also have to be considered. The relative importance of some of these vary considerably depending upon such things as the time of the year. hour of the day and most important, the nature of the load requirement. Most of these requirements, i.e., commercial, cooking, drying, and hot water are relatively independent of daily weather variations although there are definite changes on a seasonal basis. As a result, much of this type of activity appears as a contribution to the relatively constant base load. But. this is quite obviously not the case with the heating load, and it is also quite obvious that the single most important meteorological variable relating to this load is air temperature. Next in importance is the wind speed.

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