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Title: The Current Plans For A Cipm Key Comparison In Hydrocarbon Liquids
Author: Richard Paton, Dr. Michael Reader-Harris
Source: 2004 Measurement Science Conference
Year Published: 2004
Abstract: The plans for the CIPM key comparison in hydrocarbon liquids are described. The reasons for the choice of fluid and the package design (a turbine meter and a screw-type positive displacement meter) are given briefly.The data are presented in terms of Strouhal number v Reynolds number. The test results and conclusions are presented. In particular with the NEL package in one configuration three tests were undertaken at 20 C, one test at 15 C, and one at 25 C. At a Reynolds number of 130000 all the Strouhal numbers for each meter were within 0.016% of the mean value. When a Youden plot was used, the data were scattered close to the positive 45 line with the maximum deviation from that line being 0.007%.

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