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Title: Low Pressure Regulators
Author: Mike Meuppels
Source: 1944 Southwestern Gas Measurement Short Course (Now called ISHM)
Year Published: 1944
Abstract: Gas was burned one thousand years ago when the Chinese obtained natural gas from wells 2,000 feet deep and transported it through bamboo poles to be used to heat salt brine and thus pioduce domestic salt by evaporation. In 1840 at Centerville, Pa., natural gas was again used to evaporate salt brine, the same as the Chinese had done 1,000 years before. .Since that time natural gas has been discovered in many places and is now produced in 26 of our states. In the early history of the industry pressure control problems were simple and were confined to storage, short transmission and distribution. Very little, if any, consideration was given to utilization. Before 1925 deliveries were confined to cities and towns close to the fields. With the discovery of the two largest known gas fields-the Amarillo in the Texas Panhandle and the Monroe in Northern Louisiana we have seen higli pressure transmission mains extend over most of the nation. As the industry expanded to meet the increasing loads and new fields of application the pressure regulators and control equipment have been improved in design, construction and performance.

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