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Title: Sample Conditioning For Natural Gas Pipeline Analyzers
Author: Colin B. Blakemore
Source: 2008 Natural Gas Sampling Technology Conference
Year Published: 2008
Abstract: The single most difficult task in applying a well designed analyzer to a natural gas pipeline is the process of designing and installing the sample system. Creativity and attention to detail are essential. This paper does not address clean, very dry cryogenic applications. The main issue is straight forward, getting a sample of high pressure natural gas from a typically dirty pipeline to a low pressure analyzer, with the component(s) of interest unchanged and in a form acceptable to the analyzer. However, the reality is not so straight forward.1 For more than forty years, I have been an application specialist for first DuPont Instruments and now AMETEK PAI. My responsibility is to get involved when one of our instruments does not work as expected even though our service group says it is working electrically and mechanically. The problem turns out, almost always, to be either something we do not understand about the customers process, or most likely a poorly designed and/or executed sample system.

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