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Title: Process Capability Determination Of An Industrial Manufacturing Process Using Computer Software And Hardware Tools
Author: Akram Hossain
Source: 2004 Measurement Science Conference
Year Published: 2004
Abstract: Quality means suitability for use and it is inversely proportional to variability of product, service, people, process, and environment. However, it is the dynamic state that is associated with each of the above and that meets or exceeds expectations of a customer. Quality improvement is therefore the progressive reduction of variability. The gradual reduction of process and product variability can be done by successive determination and removal of the causes responsible for the variability. Determination of Process Capability is not hard, but it is frequently overlooked. It should be done first in any quality improvement program. It must be repeated on a periodic basis to ensure that the process stay fit to produce product of desired specification. If the process is incapable, then it is managements responsibility to either improve the process or accept poor quality product.

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